I’ve spent most of
my adult life in two states, Colorado and Washington, and as it
happens, these are the two states that have passed laws legalizing
pot. Am I single-handedly responsible? Dude, I totally am.
I did, however, vote
yes on initiative 502, which essentially legalized marijuana in
Washington. That’s not to say I had no reservations about the
initiative, because I did, and I’ll detail them in a second. But I
thought, and still think, that the harm done by incarcerating
marijuana users outweighs the harm done by an increase in marijuana
Yes, marijuana is
addictive. If you don’t think it is, then explain that one guy you
know who smokes pot from the time he wakes up until right before
nighty-night. I’ve known people who smoke before work, who smoke in
the break between classes, who smoke before a movie, during a movie,
and after a movie. If something’s stressful, they smoke to chill
out. If it’s relaxing, they smoke to enjoy it more. If that’s not
addiction, it’s a hell of a habit.
At the same time,
marijuana is not heroin. It is not crack cocaine. It is not alcohol.
If even a long-time heavy user stops smoking altogether, cold turkey,
they will not have convulsions or drop into a feverish delirium. What
they will likely have is considerable anxiety and an intense desire
to get high.
There are, however,
a couple of other health concerns. The first is that marijuana smoke
is harmful to the lungs. I'm sure this is true - it's obviously not
good for your lungs - but given the comparatively small amount of
smoke inhaled by marijuana users, I just can’t get too worked up
about it.
The other concern is
the connection between marijuana use and mental illness. I believe
that heavy marijuana use probably does raise the likelihood of
developing mental illness in certain susceptible users, and worsens
the conditions of those already diagnosed with mental illness.
This is serious, and
is perhaps my foremost worry with legalization, or at least with the
full-scale commercialization occurring in Colorado and (soon)
Washington. The commercialization of pot will almost certainly
increase use; increased use will likely result in higher rates of
drug addiction and mental illness. Let’s not downplay it. Marijuana
can have a profound effect on individuals, and not infrequently that
effect is negative. Played out on a societal basis, it has a
significant impact.
My feelings about
what role government should play are pretty well summed up in David Brooks’ recent column on pot: “...in healthy societies government
wants to subtly tip the scale to favor temperate, prudent,
self-governing citizenship. In those societies, government subtly
encourages the highest pleasures, like enjoying the arts or being in
nature, and discourages lesser pleasures, like being stoned.”
Fair enough. The
problem, of course, is that pot policy has been anything but subtle.
It has mostly consisted, instead, of locking untold thousands of
people in prison for the “crime” of using a drug that most people
would concede is less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes.
To call this unjust
is like calling the Joker a little bit crazy. It’s more than
unjust; it’s positively monstrous. It turns government into a
tyrannical Big Brother looking over your shoulder as you light up in
your living room, threatening to burst in with assault rifles and
throw you in jail. Imprisoning people for marijuana use is utterly wrong, and doing so comes with its own cascade of harmful
And if we can return
to alcohol and cigarettes for a minute: It is also perfectly
reasonable to compare marijuana to these substances, and to seek some
consistency in our drug laws. It is reasonable to correlate the
likelihood of addiction, and the degree of harm posed by that
addiction, with the extent of legal prohibition.
That being the case,
and since it’s clear that marijuana really is less dangerous than
alcohol and tobacco, two lessons can be drawn: first, marijuana
should at least be decriminalized; second, alcohol and tobacco should
be more tightly controlled.
With all this focus
on health outcomes, though, I don’t want to obfuscate my essential
belief that government simply has no right to lock people up for
possession of most recreational drugs. Selling drugs, especially
large amounts of drugs, is another issue, but even then the law has
been hideously inconsistent. Even if they’re doing a drug far more
harmful than marijuana, their addiction should be treated as an
illness, and that’s all. Locking people up for having a drug
addiction like locking people up for having leprosy (which also has
not been uncommon historically).
Now, I think there
is a middle ground here, one which neither Colorado nor Washington
have taken, mostly because the citizens of those states, sick of
decades of immoral and ineffective marijuana policies, performed an
end run around their legislators and passed initiatives legalizing
pot. It would be great if other state legislatures would learn a
lesson and avoid the worst consequences of both prohibition on the
one hand and commercialization on the other by passing more cautious
laws of their own.
Personally, what I’d
advocate is a conscious attempt to remove private profit from drug
sales. We should seek to eliminate both the black market and the
private market - both of which encourage drug use - by replacing them
with a tightly controlled government monopoly, or at least a monopoly
on retail sales. Practically speaking, this would mean government-run
pot dispensaries, similar to the government-run liquor stores common
to many states. Possession of moderate amounts of marijuana should be
legalized (two ounces sounds like a lot to me), while selling it
would remain illegal.
This is a middle
path. It recognizes the right of individuals to make basic choices
regarding what they put in their bodies, while also recognizing the
dangers posed by use and seeking to weaken the drug market, legal and
illegal. It’s neither the draconian fist of government smashing
people’s lives apart, nor the grasping hand of entrepreneurs
encouraging vice for profit. That’s what I call subtle
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